Pipes Cables Ductworks Penetration Fire Seal Shipboard Vessel Application
Passive fire protection for marine offshore GMG Mortar
What is Fireseal?
FireSeal has some 30 years fire sealing experience within marine- and offshore applications and has an impressive reference list from some of the world´s largest shipyards.
Our systems, which are used for all deck and bulkhead applications, are recognized as extremely easy and fast to install but also to maintain and modify.
With only a few systems FireSeal handles all common applications aboard a ship vessel or offshore platform. Our main system, Flex-D, handles both cables, pipes and ductwork applications without the usage of any frames or special tools.
In fact, the Flex-D system requires practically no technical training to install and the installation process is in most cases a 20 minute operation.
All FireSeal systems carries various approvals and certificates from DNV, ABS, SP, Rina, Germanischer Lloyd, US Coast Guard and MED.
Our most commonly used system which can be used for several different applications such as cables, pipes and ductwork sealings.
– Marine Flex System is approved for use below the waterline.
– Sealing system for cables, pipes, ductwork and the alike.
– 20 min installation – no special tools required.
– Suitable for penetrations with limited free surface area.
– Smoke, gas, water and pressure resistance.
– Movements and vibration of penetrating pipe(s) and cables are accepted.
– Well packed cable bundles are acceptable.
– Changes, repairs or retrofits are made easy.
– Classification: A0 – A60 & H0 – H60.
Approvals & Certificates
MED approval Flex-D Pipe
MED approval Flex-D Cable
MED general description
H Class approval Flex-D Pipe
H Class approval Flex-D Cable
ABS approval Flex-D Pipe & Cable
GL approval Flex-D Cable
GL approval Flex-D Pipe
BV approval Flex-D Cable
BV approval Flex-D Pipe
KR approval Flex-D Pipe
Lloyd approval Flex-D Cable
Lloyd approval Flex-D Pipe
Marine Wrap [Squeezer C] is a graphite intumescent wrapping material applied around plastic pipe(s) that penetrates A0 – A60 fire cells. It will prevent fire, smoke and gas to spread into surrounding areas. The intumescent material expands when exposed to fire and compresses the plastic tube(s) and thereby seals any openings.
- Marine Wrap [Squeezer C] is approved for usage of single or multiple plastic pipes.
- No“hot-work” (welding) is required.
- Protects any type of plastic pipe(s) from damage going through the deck/bulkhead.
- One size fits any plastic pipe(s) sizes.
- Rated for A0 – A60.
Intumescent Sleeve [Kniparen 50] is a single- or multiple cable and plastic pipe seal aimed for deck and bulkhead penetrations and installed with self-tapping screws. Intumescent Sleeve [Kniparen 50] will prevent fire, smoke, gas and water to spread into surrounding areas. The elasticity and strength of the sealing material offers a flexible seal that resists movements and vibrations without cracking, deformation or loss of adhesion.
- Rated for A0 – A60.

Marine Multi MS is a fire rated adhesive, elastic and at the same time paintable sealant. Adheres thanks to SMP base to various materials and surfaces. Marine Multi MS fulfils the highest branch standards and also the requirements of the International Maritime Organization IMO 2010 FTP Code Part 2+5.
Multipurpose marine grade sealant and adhesive suitable making elastic and vibration resistant joint seals. It can be used for a variety of interior and exterior sealing and bonding applications in the marine and offshore industry.
Surface material and floor coverings with low flame-spread characteristics, adhesives used in construction of “A”, “B” and “C” class divisions