Fireseal FLEX-D system

Passive fire protection for marine offshore GMG Mortar

Firesafe GPG Mortar (GPGM)



Fireseal Flex-D System

Our most commonly used system which can be used for several different applications such as cables, pipes and ductwork sealings.

  • Sealing system for cables, pipes, ductwork and the alike.
  • 20 min installation – no special tools required.
  • Suitable for penetrations with limited free surface area.
  • Smoke, gas, water and pressure resistance.
  • Movements and vibration of penetrating pipe(s) and cables are accepted.
  • Well packed cable bundles are acceptable.
  • Changes, repairs or retrofits are made easy.
  • Classification: A0 – A60 & H0 – H60.
